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Label Maker

You can use the Label Maker in Ragic Reports to organize and print records and Barcodes into labels, such as product tags, equipment management stickers, production record Barcodes, and more.

The Label Maker displays only the existing field values in the sheet. To create Barcode labels, ensure that the sheet includes a Barcode field; otherwise, the Label Maker will not generate Barcodes automatically.

Note: If you don't see any report options on your sheets, it may be related to your report access rights. For issues with viewing or generating reports, please contact your SYSAdmin to check and adjust the access rights configuration.

Generating the Label Maker

In addition to viewing saved reports created by your SYSAdmin in the Reports tab, you can also generate your own reports.

After generating the Label Maker, the following page will appear.

The settings for the Label Make are explained below:

Label Fields

Select the fields to display on the labels. All fields are available for selection except those in Subtables.

You can use multiple fields on a label. Click the "+" and "-" to add or remove fields. The fields are arranged based on their selection order; for example, selecting "Product Name" before "Barcode" will display "Product Name" first, with "Barcode" below it.

You can also choose to Show Field Name on the label.

Formatting Settings

You can adjust the label format, including "Font", "Font Size", "Indent", "Alignment", "Height", "Width", and "Text Wrapping".

Incomplete Label Display

If the label is not fully displayed, check if you have set the correct Height and Width.

Printing Settings

In the style settings, you can check Show A4 Area to preview the print area.

If you want each label to be printed on a separate page, select the One page one label while printing option.

Other Report Settings

Exporting Reports

You can use the Printer Friendly or Download as PDF option to export reports.

Filtering Reports with Views

When your sheet has Shared Views or the Fixed Filter applied, you can filter the report based on those views.

Embedding Reports

You can embed the report into your website or share a link with others.

Style Settings

You can adjust the report’s style settings, including font, font size, boundaries, etc.

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